Sailing among the tall ships
The sailing ship Europa from Holland anchored at Roberton Island, the Bay of Islands
So far this season, I’ve been going out with a small number of guests on each charter and playing the role of skipper, crew and cook all in one. But as the weather warms up and more tourists arrive in the Bay of Islands, we are expecting the numbers to increase and I’m looking forward to having my crew back on board - my two daughters Eleanor and Melanie who take turns as First Mate on Freewind during their summer holidays from school and university. We are all looking forward to a great season of sailing in the sunny Bay of Islands. If you want to get away from the crowds on Christmas day or New Year’s Eve, or any other day for that matter – come and explore the untouched islands, bays and beaches of the Bay of Islands with us. Call 0800 002244 for trip details and reservations, or see |
First mate Eleanor at the wheel – Freewind, Bay of Islands
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