Monday, August 6, 2012

The Big Shave-Off

From the Savusavu Yacht Club's notice board:
Our Junior and Youth Sailors are off to Viti Levu to defend their titles in both Lasers & Optimists on the high seas off Uprising Resort in Pacific Harbour. The team comprises 8 Optimists Sailors, (6 lads and 2 lasses) as well as 4 Lasers (3 young men & 1 young lady). The team is headed up by Master Coach of 25 years Sir Geoffrey Taylor...
…on Sunday, Aug 5th, the Yacht Club will hold the big fundraiser for the event, the 'Shave Off' between the Pirates of Savusavu, namely Ron & Leon.
"Thee who raises the most funds by 4pm Sunday (5 Aug) lays claim to a Bucket of Pirates Rum". The Shave Off by two renown barbers will take place at 5pm on the club lawn. A red hot fresh goat curry, complimented by a vegetable curry, puri & rice prepared by the famous Special Occasion Chef "Ali Hussein" over a wood fire on site will be available from 4pm Sunday (F$10p/p - all proceeds to Youth Sailing)."

                                  photos: Lorna Eden

The Savusavu Yacht Club’s notice board: Fundraising for Kid’s Sailing
Kids Fundraiser Notice Board
Ron & Leon Before
Getting a shave
The “port & starboard” pirates: Ron and Leon
Ron surrendering to the barber

Ron dreaming
Ron beard in hand (1)
…and its almost time to look in the mirror
Ron, red beard in hand

Shave Off evidence Ron & Leon After
No going back now
“Where’s that bottle of Rum?”

  In the end, it was all well worth it. Over FJ$ 1800 were raised by the event – thank you to all those who helped, supported, shaved, cooked the great food, and to those who donated funds for the cause – Vinaka Vaka Levu to you all.
  We wish the Savusavu sailors all the best for the Pacific Harbour races starting August 15th.
  Savusavu’s very own Lewa Rauqeuqe, crewing with Graham Southwick, is in first place (ahead of the Australians) at the Oceania Hobie Cat Championship being held in Pacific Harbour at the moment – well done Lewa!

And before someone decides to shave the hair off my head too, I think I’ll start preparing Freewind for the trip back to New Zealand.

Will update you on that next time.
Bula Vinaka,   Ron